A Belizean Adventure With EarthAngels 🌎😇


Mmmm, Belizean Blue is a thing, right?

I took this in Corozal, on a bay of the Caribbean sea. The town is in the northernmost district of Belize, and is just 8 miles south of the Mexican border, and 8 miles north of Belize City. The sense of peace here is spacious. Wide open. It gives me the assurance that there is no need to stack and crowd life.

Don't get me wrong. Some of the best places are larger cities... like my beloved Chicago, which I miss... but also does the stack-and-crowd thing I no longer want to live in. For years, my heart had been HOWLING like a hungry, knowing wolf. Howling for this. And, look where the moonlight has brought me. So grateful.

EarthAngels In Belize: "A decentralized, hemp-based community to heal the earth."


I am here with my earthangel.vision (EAV) co-founders on an amazing, multi-purpose, two-week trip. Many more details will follow about that.

I am still trying to word what it feels like to so deeply connect with your core sense of purpose, that it BECOMES REAL. Having spent so many painful years off purpose, I'm now utterly humbled to be a part of this mighty force for good!! AND NOT ALONE. Every day I am stunned by how much Good Work is compounded through cooperation and collaboration.

Just to be clear, anything I post about earthangel.vision from my @erikaharris account, is not an official EAV communication. We have reserved @earthangels, and will soon be posting EarthAngel updates from it, so please stay tuned for that! We are all bursting with excitement about what's possible here, and the beautiful forward motion being made.


I hope that @earthangels will have many DTube/DLive videos from the origin of this vision, Gus Vasilakis. He is a DYNAMO, filled with so much smart strategy about how to amplify goodness, rewards, and benefits to as many as possible. He has a relentless drive to see the world more healthy and prosperous, and less hurt and polluted.

Gus is a fantastic writer. Wait 'til you see the whitepaper he co-wrote with his wife, Kathryn. It is nearly ready for public sharing! But his inspiring energy shines best in person. So that's why I look forward to seeing his presence here on Steemit. Only a few minutes with him is all it takes to believe, again, in the most beautiful things that we can all be, do, and have. So, you'll be hearing from Gus and other co-founders from the @earthangels Steemit account in a more official/professional capacity.

In addition to personal reflections I'll be sharing, I think there may be other posts from the personal accounts of the rest of our core team, which includes:


Tim (who goes by Skinny) is a long-term 20+ year expat in Belize. He's well-connected to the Belizean people, AND its land and animals. He lives in a jungle surrounded by so much life... allspice trees, toucans, harpy owls, coconut trees, howler monkeys that he can call to, and they call back!, and so much more flora and fauna I'm not remembering. But LIFE, y'all.

Skinny is also a very talented, professional musician. His music has that nice island flair, mon. Skinny's music and jungle-base helps keep us close to our bigger 'why' (which is flourishing nature). His skilled communication, positive local influence, and strong organization help us navigate what is foreign territory to the rest of us (although Gus does have considerable knowledge about Belize, due to his own previous business and travels here.)

I believe Skinny will be sharing his music here on Steemit. I would love to see him shoot some music videos on his property... and the let the jade green backdrop of his wildlife sanctuary speak for its gorgeous self, while Skinny sings and plays his tropical music.... and, who knows... maybe even creates NEW sounds and songs from this fresh chapter in life, eco-activism, and business.


Dr. Albert, Gus, and Juan.


Juan has developed expertise in crypto, security, and content creation. He is so lucid, and has unending ideas about how we can best leverage blockchain technology for streamlined workflows and other innovations he can best speak about.

While living in loose community with him the past two years, I watched him free himself with his knowledge. That's a heck of a thing to witness... an arc of growth that significant, in such a relatively short amount of time. He was principled enough to recently defend the strength of Bitcoin, to BitcoinJesus. I appreciate the irony, and bravery of that. One thing that has always fascinated me about Juan, is his equally strong philosophical curiosity about deep existential stuff.

I'm especially indebted to him for introducing me to Gus right as this project was taking form, and becoming real. Like so many other investors have found, I felt immediate resonance when I first learned of EarthAngel (which we then called "Hemp City".)

One other special thing about Juan is that he is a great dancer! Yes, movin' to music. And also dancing in thoughtful dialogue... where he will push, stretch and challenge you! You will be a better dancer/thinker after engaging with him. Don't miss. Do follow.


Michael is a builder's builder. In the two years I've known him, I've seen him consistently stand for, and practice, personal growth. Then, he took it many steps further, and has been applying those best practices, to every group he is a part of. He actively uses the wisdom he's synthesized, to shape our EAV meetings. It makes for a very time-efficient, and positive co-working experience. In addition to those humane skills, Mike's background in military leadership, construction and project management helps ensure that our physical structures are sound, and impeccably planned.

I'm so impressed by Michael's ability to see the strengths in everyone around him, and call them forth. It seems to give him deep satisfaction, to help facilitate people doing what they do best. It's a supremely selfless way to be, to WANT to help others shine. This strengthens the connective tissue of a team in ways that are hard to describe. But it feels like fluidity. Thanks for the ongoing gift of that, Michael.


Tim, Me (writing this very post!), and Michael (with a tall glass of watermelon juice).


So, that's general context for what will follow in my next several posts. And also is a quick introduction to my precious brothers, each of whom I hope you will follow and support with your Upvote, if you don't already.

Our access to wi-fi is intermittent (that's what we're doing in the pics above... making the most of great internet access), but I will post as often as I can... and with plenty of pictures, because this journey is too beautiful, not to be seen.

What burns 🔥 in your heart ❤️ is there for you to start! 😘

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Morning mind, free of grind. 🌅

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