One foggy night down in Spring Texas

Some nights, you walk out in the late hours and find a wonderland of incredible fog. This was back when I only had my Canon SD400 for a little while and opportunity arose.

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This pic of the moon rising was almost like some kind of art print.

The entire town was enshrouded in the mist, making everything look like something out of some movie in places.

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That uncertain, lonesome road, leading to new places in the future's mysteries.
Digital cameras back then all had lots of noise in low light, more or less. Still, to be able to get these pics in low light was awesome for the first time on such a machine. This camera had a shutter that could be slowed to 30 seconds at ISO400. I loved and still love it.

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Almost out of the dark and the monsters. Civilization's just over the ridge.

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The Magical Tree of Wisdom! :)

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Magical knights of the realm dispensing magical boot prints of justice to burgler asses!

The magical apparatus of godly soda dispensation was forever being attacked by the assgoblins of the crack-town wastelands. The good knights lay in ambush as the assgoblins' chariot drew near...

Seriously though, the vending machines in town were repeatedly getting crow-barred open and these police caught them in the act. At least that was what the shopkeepers told me later.

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