Follow up - Get your photography noticed!


In my previous post about getting your photography noticed, I took a snapshot of my statistics of where they were at the one month mark. At the time I was fairly impressed because I am not going out of my way to get additional traffic. I also wanted to see if these views would continue along the same trend in another months time or if they would kind of fizzle out if I did not continue to load more photos. I did happen to upload two more photos but only one of them became searchable which contributed 6031 views.

I did expect the views to fluctuate up and down but I was surprised that the views stayed pretty continuous. The reason is because the more people that share your photos, link to your work and add your work to their portfolios, it increases the surface area of where your work is accessible from. Makes sense right? So, I look at it as a form of free advertising. Since I can continue to gather views I will continue to upload my work there. I highly recommended this free platform if you are into photography.

Just to show everyone a comparison. Here are my stats from one month ago

Here are the same stats one month later

Unsplash 1monthlater.png

Pretty cool! Unsplash is a great platform. Go check it out!

Love to all.

Photo Credits:

My work can be found on:

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