🎭 Ve Ve Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exihbition District 5, Saigon

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3145.jpg

Going to art exhibitions is not something I regularly do. Lucky for me, my friend suggested we go. Knowing very little about what I was about to see, I was happy to be introduced to yet more Vietnamese culture.

Every day I seem to learn something new about this wonderful country. Vietnam has many traditions and Vietnamese classical opera is one of them.

Just as a disclaimer, I may not get all the facts straight, between translation and remembering what my friend told me. I'll give you my best though ;)

What is Hat Boi?

Hat Boi also known as Hat Bo or Hat Tuong is a Vietnamese classical opera dating back centuries originating from China.

Traditionally performed on stage, the opera is a huge operation involving countless artists and actors to create a performance.

This exhibition named "Ve Ve Hat Boi" took 3 months, 40 artists and 100 project members across Vietnam to preserve promote and shine a new light on the traditional art of Vietnam.

I really enjoyed the exhibition; you can check their Ve Ve Hat Boi Facebook page for more info. If you live in Saigon, you only have another day or two to visit.

I hope you enjoy my photos captured.

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3134.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3142.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3131.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3107.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3095.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3092.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3108.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3140.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3141.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3120.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3116.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3114.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3115.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3110.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3106.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3108.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3081.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3084.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3086.jpg
Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3085.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3111.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3113.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3105.jpg

Hat Boi Vietnamese Opera Exhibition District 5, SaigonIMG_3087.jpg

Until the next time, enjoy the journey!

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