We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. (Stephen Hawking)

Hello guys howz you doing all?
This is not my first post on steemit but certainly the first one to introduce myself.
So here a small part of my life .
I am a student of science which i think we all are, we may graduate but we all study science which surround us all.
Beside studying i am also an investor. I have invested heavily in bitcoin and crypto, actually my all savings which i thought could double over night :D
But as i have got involved in the crypto i have realised that it is a game of patience.
I want to tell all of you those who are new and want to make money with bitcoin and crypto you need to have patience.
I am also a photographer which i my hobby and i do it because i like to spend some time interacting with nature. Here is a photo which i have clicked
I am alsoo a cricketer. I have represented my district.
I was also given the best player award in my high school.
So here are some of the chapters of my life.
I hope i was interactive .
Well se you guys in the next post and forget to plant a tree whenever it is possible!

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