Adventurous to the mountain Leuser in Aceh


Hi friends steemit....
on this occasion I will tell my first travel article to the top of Leuser mount aceh middle. But beforehand I will give some information about mount Leuser

nature in Mountain Leuser National Park. With an area covering two provinces, Aceh and North Sumatra, this place has abundant natural wealth. This is his paradise of nature

Indonesia has many charming national parks, one of the most interesting is Mountain Leuser National Park. There are all-green nature, various kinds of animals, Alas River is famous for its swift, and much more. A truly rich national park!

Mountain Leuser National Park covers 1,094,692 hectares and is located in two provinces of Nangroe Aceh Darussalam and North Sumatra. This national park takes its name from Mount Leuser, the highest mountain in this place.

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