Meet My Feral Cat Colony That Lives Outside My House!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are having a great day wherever you are! I know many know me for my Splinterlands game obsession but I also love taking photographs while I'm out. I live in Richmond, VA in the USA.

It is a beautiful city because the James River runs through Downtown RVA (Richmond). The locals call it RVA. It is such a beautiful area by the river. There are a few parks I love there and capture as many photographs as I can throughout the city when I am out.

It is a relaxing hobby I support. I just use my iPhone as I take pictures while I am out, just a spur-of-the-moment thing of when I see something great, capture it. For my day-to-day job, I am my disabled son's Home Health Aide. Adil is 27 years old and was born with Cerebral Palsy. I am not out often but when I do see something picture-worthy, I love to capture a photo to remember it.

I also take a lot of photos of cats! I take care of a feral cat colony that lives outside the house we rent. There are so many feral cats in RVA, it is crazy! It is a real problem here in the city. I was told to not feed them 7 years ago when I moved here...but I did feed one old cat and then more came.

All the cats that live here are fixed and have had their shots, etc. It can be a circus here at times between feeding them all, looking out for them, providing shelter, daily water and food, etc. I have quite a bit of videos of them on my TikTok HERE Here is one video during feeding time in the morning HERE

I hope you enjoy the following photographs I captured throughout RVA recently. I have just 3 cats inside but about 13 outside that live here. There are also another 3 or 4 that come to eat but leave as they don't get along with the Lion head here which is Lite. I named his Lite because of Litecoin, lol! Also at the time, there was a light-haired tiger feral cat and a dark-haired tiger feral cat. He is a one-of-a-kind cat that is for sure, he doesn't act feral as he is so affectionate but he does fight often to defend his territory, omg he is a bit crazy at times.

If you would like to donate some cat food for them, I have an Amazon wish list set up as it is crazy expensive to take care of them all HERE You can actually use crypto to buy an Amazon gift card on Bitrefill HERE. They have way more than Amazon cards, it is pretty cool if I do say so myself.

This is Light, a picture taken about 3 months ago. This is right outside our backdoor. he waits there with the rest of the colony every morning ready to eat! He is a sweetheart but you have to watch him as he can get a bit aggressive at times. I will never forget one winter, it was a snowstorm going on and a tree fell on my van. He literally stayed 6 feet away from someone with a chainsaw cutting off the van, it was buts! He is fearless!

He has been here since about March 2017 or so. The outside feral cats have it so rough, that many were abandoned as well. It is so sad. You just try to help as much as you can and it will make a tiny difference positively.


These are weeds outside, tiny buttercups that are so pretty to me, I love their yellow color!

Walking under a train track bridge is pretty cool. That is what you will find at the Flood Wall in RVA. You can walk literally over the river, only one person at a time so good luck passing people, you will be touching them to do so, LOL! I love the river! I love bodies of water, and I adore the ocean, it is all nature. I long to be with nature of this kind, especially the salt air from the saltwater in the ocean. I love it! It heals your body there.

I was lucky to live in Daytona Beach Shores in a high-rise condo with the ocean as my backyard view. It was a vacation every single day there. I love it so much! I swam in the ocean all the time. I was scared at times for sharks but I just love swimming so much. I miss swimming and I miss the sun rising over the Atlantic Ocean in my backyard every morning. I will have to post some photos from there next time.

Until then, we have lots of cat photos!

This cute little girl kitten is named Tabby. She found us here back in 2018 in February during a snowstorm! I went out there to make a pathway for her to walk so I could feed her and give her water, there were a few blankets on my porch up in chairs, etc. I also have some feral cat houses up now and many go under the house as well. They all seem to share such little space. Our neighbors are just feet six feet away! How could you not help this little girl? She is so sweet! She loves to be petted! Since she came here so young, she always watched Light let me pet him. She then joined in too soon afterward.

Her sister is named Little B and she never let me pet her! Most feral cats are like that but I have turned a few like that into pet-able cats that like to be petted! Some may only want me to pet them for a quick minute and then they go, they get it in though, and it is great!



Watch Tabby and Light and Little B eating in the morning on TikTok HERE


Poor Little B (Tabby's sister) her eye was hurt here in the photo. Many of these cats, they are inbred and born with many deformities and weak health in general.
I gave her some cat-safe antibiotics and she healed up nicely. They are much older now. These were taken years ago when they were just kittens that found their way here.

They were such young kittens, just the two of them, all on their own. Lots of times 2 are living in the end as there are so many things that can happen, due to the environment and they just don't all make it. I am happy they found me!


This is Socks, he was born with a messed-up eye. Poor kitty. He is a sweetheart. He found us here a few months after Lite showed up. It was him and his sister little Mama. She dies about 3 years or so. I think she was poisoned by rat poison or something, it was so sad. I cried for a while as I felt so bad for her. She never let me pet her but was a sweetheart and loved to go all over the neighborhood, I think she was too social the other cats did not like the scent of other cats she was around. She was a fierce hunter though. That was the only cat I ever saw who did kill a lot of things like mice, etc. Anyways, this is her brother Socks. or Sock-eeee as I call him.

There is a cat in the background but I cannot make out who it is, maybe it is Little B.



Meet Baby! She was rescued from the harsh outside living these feral cats endure. She is now an inside cat. When we had her fixes she was so tame and acted like a house cat. I thought, omg we cannot just let her back out there, we should find her a home or something. Something was our house, haha! Her Mom, "Momma" is living outside and actually looks just like her in the face.

Meet Momma. See the resemblance?


This is Striper, she is Baby's sister. She was going to be let back outside after she was fixed but ended up running under our couch and staying inside with Baby. She does let us pet her after a long 4 months or so, she is set but still has a lot of feral in her for sure. When they Trap-Neuter-Return they clip their ears, you will see all the feral cats with this clip. It is to show someone in the future that they have already been neutered. She has such a unique stripe. Hence the name, Striper.


This is Crazy Girl. She hisses every single morning when I open the door to feed them all. After all this time, she still hisses at me every day, lol! So, I call her Crazy Girl as she acts crazy. She is always chasing male cats and female cats too. She is always causing a ruckus, haha! If you see the TikTok videos I have up you will see her hiss every time I go to feed them.

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This is the sisters Tabby and Little B.

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Meet the White cat. he is a very feral cat but does stay here a lot. he is here every morning for feeding time and stays here about 80% of the time. he is a wanderer though and moves about the neighborhood, he and Socks really like one another a lot.

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Meet Timmy, he was born with a crooked neck, he is from a little by Momma as you see they look alike. His neck is better but still crooked. He is a sweetheart though, he always walks between my feet in the morning feeding time. He lets me pet him but only then in the morning, lol!


This is Robin, he thinks I can't see him here, haha! He has a brother named Batman. They both love to follow Timmy around, he is like their big brother but they are not related.


This is Batman, Robin's brother. He has a kind of smushy face, lol, he is a runt of a littler for sure, and he does get sick a lot too. Robin is in the background. Those two are always together.

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Meet Zoe. I have had her for about 9 years now, she is from Florida. She was the only house cat I had for so long, the only animal at all as pets are expensive! She has the whole upstairs to herself. Baby and Striper stay downstairs. Zoe is not a fan of other animals or people at all. She has a lot of anxiety, her mother was feral, and maybe she got it from her. She can be feisty but also sweet.


Striper and her "painted toes" lol!

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Baby as a kitten, before she was neutered, notice her little thumbs.

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Little B. She has never let me pet her but comes pretty close, most of the cats don't let me pet them. Socks does let me, once in a while only at the morning feeding time. Momma started letting me pet her a little. Tabby and Lite totally let me pet them. They liked to be petted a lot. Timmy just in the morning, all the others I have never petted them.

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Timmy, such a sweet boy!

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Batman is on the left and Robin is on the right.

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Timmy again.....

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This is a new cat, he came here a few months ago and kind of stays around, he was so skinny at first. We will have to trap and neuter him as well but it is hard to find appointments these days. It is not as great as Lite and he does fight often. Lite is very territorial and doesn't like new male cats trying to take over. I have my nerf squirt gun ready to break up fights out the window or I end up running downstairs with a broom, lol ughhh...I hate those fights. At least he gained some weight.

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Tabby and little B relaxing.

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Have a great day taking photographs! See you next time with more photos of RVA next time! ~@clove71

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Thanks for checking out my photos!

Chris Love @clove71

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