beautiful red ant photography.

back again with me in today's post which shows or tells about the habits or the daily life of the red ants.
who is not familiar with this one animal that we often find in the branches of a tree called red ant or Indonesian language is called by the name of ant ranges, red ants are often met in branches or branches of trees because this one ant is indeed its habitat tingga in the tree and kebian of red ant or ants make the nest from the leaves of the tree in which he lived in the daily life of his red ant live in a group and in a group consisting of ant workers and queens ant and the task of the ant worker is looking eating and and making a queen's nest queue and colony while the task of the queen ant is to give birth to the puppies of the ant, the ant rang up this one is one of tens or hundreds of ants who do not like sweet like most of his other ants and food from ant these are small insects such as dragonflies, grasshoppers, cockroaches, butterflies, locusts and many other insects.

the insect's red ant loyalty to his colony.




the population of red ants is still quite a lot and can be found in almost all the trees, especially in tropical forests because ants are very fond of climate or weather in a warm tropical god and very supportive of life for its habitat, red ants are ants that are faithful to friends and his group like when we disturb the nest of other ants directly attack and bite us and continue to follow by his friend.
and red ants also have other self-defenses and not only on their bites but also have the fluid in the roughness when they feel threatened by their predators and the smell of the fluid that they have in the scent has a very stinging smell and feels at the moment about the predator so it can protect it.

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