Reflected by glass - "Urban Nature #1" Series

Hello Steemians, This will be my very first post of a long journey to discover the hidden color through a piece of glass. The subject of this Series will be the fusion between the synthetic and the natural, Am looking forward to read your comments and critique of my work and grow with it. // Hola Steemians, esta será mi primera publicación de un largo viaje para descubrir el color oculto a través de un trozo de vidrio. El tema de esta serie será la fusión entre lo sintético y lo natural. Espero leer sus comentarios y críticas de mi trabajo y crecer con él.

This Photos were taken in the city where i currently live, Located at the central zone of México, It's called "Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza" also knows as "Puebla de los Ángeles". This is only a scratch on the surface of a city growing bigger and bigger each year. //
Estas fotos fueron tomadas en la ciudad donde vivo actualmente, ubicada en la zona central de México, se llama "Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza" también conocida como "Puebla de los Ángeles". Esto es solo un rasguño en la superficie de una ciudad cada vez más grande cada año.

"Dodge Logs"
"We take the path between the trees, looking at them and hoping they will look back"

"Holding Tires"



"As long as it lasts, we will use it, as long as it lasts..."

"What once was sea now is a crumbling stone looking it's way to the surface, evolve or die"

"Shared Job"
"Fear not the darkness of the night"

"Spray Chameleon"
"Time will take me high, but will never remove my print on the surface of the city"

Hope you enjoyed my work and come back to take another look through my glass, If you liked it and wanna share your wisdom with this humble photographer leave a comment, i will be following them close. // Espero que hayas disfrutado de mi trabajo y vuelvas a mirar por mi cristal. Si te ha gustado y quieres compartir tu sabiduría con este humilde fotógrafo, deja un comentario, los seguiré de cerca.

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