My Pics Summary #2

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Cambodia 2016
My Pics Summary #1
Interesting People Summary #1
Great Pictures Summary #1

People of Myanmar

Myanmar, the people are beautiful and the colours very nice.

This first picture was taken in Shwe Inn Dein

This woman was meditating (and taking the sun) in the sacred Mount Popa. The entire mountain is a temple and is full of monkeys. Being a temple you are supposed to remove your shoes and since it's full of monkeys it means that you must be comfortable to step on their poo multiple times.... ;-)

The people are very comfortable with the camera. This little girl actually asked me to take a picture of her and was very interested to see the results.

I took several pictures of this woman but this one where you can see the entire hat is my favourite.

Mahagandhayon Monastery located in Amarapura is one of the largrest buddhist monasteries in the world. Every day hundreds of Monks queue to receive the food donation on which they live. This picture is from inside one of the schools for the younger monks.

One of the markets in Yangon, I really liked the blue background.

Geisha in Higashiyama


Higashiyama Ward is the historic quarter of Kyoto. The entire area is from the 15th century and has been maintained painstakingly.

The temples are majestic, the streets calm and peaceful (when not full of tourists).

This pic is of a Geisha and her apprentice Maiko.

Big Guys in Serengeti

Serengeti is huge, we went with the wilderbeasts migration which is a huge fenomenon with millions of animals that move from one part of Serengeti to the other following the rain. Together with them there are lions, cheetas, vultures, etc.

This pic is of the tallest animal.

And this of the largest. I tried to capture the rugged skin of the Elephant but it does not make it justice.

Fisherman in Inle Lake

Myanmar, Inle Lake. The fishermen there still use a very traditional way of rowing (using their feet) and fishing (trapping the fish with a bamboo net and then killing them with an handmade harpoon).

This man's skin was like rugged paper.

View from 5895m

-14 degrees, wind @ 20km/h, walking since 2am up from 4,700m to 5,895m ... why?

Because of the view.

From Kilimanjaro Rongai route.

This is a smaller peak within the complex


Small Observer


Lucky pic in Serengeti, Tanzania. Small observer presiding over a giraffe.

Open Exposure in Maldives


After a long day of diving, a welcomed sunset in Velassaru, Madives.

By the way the resort is amazing and relatively cheap compared to the rest of Maldives.

Here I tried to leave the exposure open for a while to freeze the sea... not sure of the result!

Donggung Palace


Donggung Palace is an amazing place. I went few times, even with cherry blossom, but this pic in the evening is the one I like the most.

Train Ride in Sri Lanka


While visiting Sri Lanka we decided to try and take the train among 2 cities. This was a British colonial-era-train, all in wood. The trip was extremely tiering for the noise, the vibrations and the smog. But we took some nice pictures on the way.

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