The fight for light and against it.

It's strange but gardening in its essence at first, is a fight for the light that you want to provide to young plants after planting in the ground and later a fight against excess light the consequence of which is excess heat.

Earlier about thirty years ago when planting a garden, we somehow did not think about this but manufacturers of shading nets for gardens convince us that shade is necessary for all plants lol.

In those bygone times tomatoes peppers and eggplants were planted at a distance of 40-50 centimeters from each other and this was considered normal.

This provided living space for the plant.

But today everyone is talking about the need to plant seedlings often close to each other so that as the plants grow, they cover each other from excess sun shade.

Analyzing all this the idea of ​​planting trees along the perimeter of the land plot on which the vegetable garden will be comes to mind.

In theory the shadow of the trees will wander around the vegetable garden and periodically cool the stems and leaves of vegetable crops heated by the sun.

I don’t like the annual idea of ​​acquiring a net and ensuring the growth of sales of gardening stores this needs to be reduced to zero... unless, only, it’s not my store lol.

The idea is not bad but you need to figure out which trees can be used for such purposes how I do not have a clear understanding because there are both pros and cons in this.

And there are trees that immediately fall out of the big list they cannot be planted near the vegetable garden at all and these are birch pine spruce walnut.

These are the trees in which I confidently see the enemy of the vegetable garden for a number of reasons that we will talk about in a separate post.

By @barski

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