Special value on Monday.

I probably won’t be wrong if I say that for many of us Monday is the least valuable day.

Yes, we especially value weekends and are ready to pull a heavy plow behind us like an ox or a horse for all five working days in order to reach the edge of this difficult field and see the weekend on its edge.

In essence this is the case, but we can find some value in Monday which allows us to even better understand the beauty of the weekend and this is its main advantage.

On a hot day it is very pleasant to take a contrast shower; it allows us to appreciate the benefits of the heat. and without cool water the heat will only be heat.

We would not appreciate spring if it were not outwardly similar to the struggle of winter and new life but despite some of the shortcomings of spring we continue to love it.

There is probably something else significant that could be a big plus for any Monday but since I haven’t woken up enough yet, my thoughts are not working in this direction I’m still thinking about what I see in the photograph in front of me.

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