Myths of farming - One bird told another something.

The idea came to mind to talk about an interesting topic, namely about myths in the field of agriculture and livestock breeding.

This topic is one of my favorite topics both in life and when watching videos on YouTube about the life of people in the village.

It is interesting to see how people's opinions on the same aspects and methods change over time.

They say about such methods that one bird told another something, but did not give guarantees lol.

If you remember, over the past few years, videos about innovation in planting a crop like the familiar potato have been popular.

I won’t be mistaken if I say that everyone who puts a potato tuber in the ground dreams of getting an excellent harvest.

There are many methods someone says that they can grow a hundred kilograms of potatoes from one square meter of land I am happy for such a person lol.

One day I saw a method of planting potatoes by cutting one eye or one potato sprout into each hole in the ground.

I did this, it was interesting for me to experiment especially since a large part of my land was idle.

After a while the potatoes sprouted, I saw the tops and hilled up the beds.

From time to time I fought with weeds and Calarada beetles.

When it was time to harvest in the fall, I harvested half as many potatoes as I planted and I planted one eye at a time, as I said lol.

The potatoes have grown to the size of a cherry plum or a large cherry I will not repeat this experiment again and do not advise you to do so.

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