Oregon Wildlife: The Beautiful Pileated Woodpecker

"In many American Indian traditions this bird, the woodpecker, is connected to the heartbeat of Mother Earth herself. The drumming of the heartbeat of earth has more than a few mystical connections. A couple that come to mind are the rhythms of new life to shapeshifting applications. Many a shaman has learned to ride the drum beats into a different dimension."

This woodpecker certainly showed up at interesting time in my life. I was walking along in the forest, asking for a sign that I was on the right path in life. The clouds parted and sun broke through the rain drenched canopy. I heard a noise and stopped in my tracks. My eye caught the sleek shine of feathers just as the sun found the same spot. I stood and watched as the bird worked a hole into the trunk. I unzipped my camera bag as quietly as I could, I didn't want to miss the opportunity and scare him away. Luckily, I was able to capture this shot before he noticed me.

All photography is taken by me; Awen Nuin. Each post is an original work. If you enjoyed my photos and stories, please upvote, resteem or follow me for more!

Peace and Love!

Awen /|\

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