Beautiful Bangladesh #03

Hello Steemians

Hope all are okay.
and i'm also good.

as i'm choosing photography as a part of my life, so i'll make different series of photography where i'll show different types of photography one by one and describe as much as i can.
please support me through this like you supported me from the beginning.

i'v started this photography series as "Beautiful Bangladesh".
i'm gonna show beautiful photography of our beloved country in this series.

let's see a photo now.

Image Source: This photo was taken with Canon EOS 6D.
About the photo:
this photo was taken on a winter morning from a rural area of Bangladesh.
it's the scene where fisherman catch fish by inserting trap with net.
look at the photo.
here is a hand made net trap to catch fish.
it was inserting their manually.
and it got fish when fishes pass them.
beside it, there are paddy fields everywhere.
this beauty could amuse anybody, i guess.
hope you all would like this photo.
feel free to say how is this photo anyway.

hit the upvote button if you like this photo and leave comment if you wanna say anything about this post or my other posts.

please support me to keep having more of my works and
you can follow me, so that you can see my future posts.
and you're always welcome to my blog.

"be good, think good and do good"

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