My "Bossy" Elemental Tarot Cards

Many years ago I went downtown to the Mystic Bookshop here in London, Ontario to purchase my first deck of Tarot cards. I'd been given the Ryder Waite deck as a teenager by a good friend but I wanted something new and different. Something that called to me.

I'd done some research and decided to purchase a Barbra Walker set but a funny thing happened while I was there. The lady who was running the shop invited me behind the counter to look at and feel all the decks on her shelves. Just as I walked through her little gate a deck of cards fell off the shelf and onto the floor. I didn't really think anything of it at the time. It could have just been vibrations from the construction out front. I picked it up and returned it to the shelf.

I stood there for some time, picking up various decks and reading the packages. She did indeed have the Barbra Walker deck. My hand reached out to take it from the shelf and two feet away from me that same deck of cards fell again. Hmmm.... this time I picked them up and held onto them as I kept looking.

I'm sure you can guess which deck I bought. The deck that seemed determined to come home with me was The Elemental Tarot. And I haven't looked back. It's almost as if they were made for me.

When I finally got home I unboxed the deck and started examining them. To my surprise there were TWO Lovers cards. I spent several days getting to know my cards when I decided I should make a bag for them. A few years before I bought these cards I purchased a yard of material that was so beautiful to me but I had no idea what I'd make with it.

This material was so bright and natural. There were pictures of women washing clothes in the river and some holding infants. It spoke to me again when I was deciding what to make the tarot bag with. I sewed a simple drawstring bag. The drawstring was simply several colours of braided embroidery floss.

The little gem bag was made with a piece of velvet from my grandmother's old skirt that I just couldn't bear to get rid of. It was perfect. After completing the bags I used the rest of the colourful material to make a tarot cloth. It was just a simple square with a simple edging crocheted around. It looked and felt perfect!

Over the years my Elemental Tarot cards have helped me explore and reflect on life and circumstances. I don't regret my purchase. In fact I feel it was meant to be. Have you had an experience like this? I'd love to hear about it.

Until next time friends.....

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