
Being that I’m self employed and see clients 9-9, being that my sweetheart is a musician and works late into the night, our evenings begin around midnight.
We unwind, undress, soak in the tub and talk about our day. A highball glass in his hand, a glass of Merlot in mine.
Jazz plays in the background and candles scent the room with a delicate scent of Dyptique gardenias and the remnants of Chanel that linger in my clothes that lay in a small pile on the floor.
I close my eyes and soak up his words, his voice has always been a comfort to me. Me listening has always been of comfort to him. We sometimes switch, my voice will fill his listening ears.
The water gets cool, he gets out first so he may drape me in a robe, sometimes just his arms. It is then our evening really commences.

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