Traveling / Modeling, First time outside of China, Finland (part 2)

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Welcome back to my first trip outside China! This is Finland, part 2.


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Here I’m trying to give a kiss to the cannon at Suomenlinna. Peace, not war 😊I also learned that the fortress has never won any battles! They didn’t realize that in the winter the sea freezes and it is easy to walk to the island…


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Finns drink a lot of beer too, which I don’t understand. It does not taste good! However, I had a try to experience 😛


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This shot was taken nearby the sea when it was sunny and quite warm. I was happy as you can see, haha.

这一张实在海边的长凳上拍的,我记得那一天阳光明媚,微风习习,因为你不经常见到这么美丽的天气... 所以那天很适合晒太阳呢。

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I will have to say the cafés in Finland are very nice! Like this French style café close to the sea with a nice decoration.


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I think I might develop a coffee tooth here, hehe. The bread is so good too!


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I also got a better look at the cathedral. Impressive!


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I also went to this very fancy Finnish restaurant in the night time but I’m sorry to say, I didn't like anything there 😟. The reindeer steak was too bloody and the drinks had too much alcohol in them.

介绍完这个小岛,不能错过这里的美食呢,所以跟朋友一起去了这家市中心年代久远地道芬兰式的餐厅,但是不好意思的说,因为刚从国内过来,所以没有真的欣赏到他们所谓超级美味的驯鹿牛排,因为对于我来说,它煎的有点生... 酒有点儿烈...

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I guess the dessert was the highlight even though I don’t really have a sweet tooth…


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After dinner, I went to the roof terrace of Hotel Torni that has the best view over Helsinki (it is very flat!). The hotel was only 14 floors, which is less than my apartment building back in China, lol. You can see the iconic white church in the background.

美食过后,去了这里Torni 酒店的顶层去一赏夜间赫尔辛基的美景,酒店只有14层,据说那会它是最高的建筑物,在国内我们家住17层,而且17层还不属于最高的,你们知道的,是不是,哈哈。

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Guess who? I was invited to a costume party 😃 Would you let me know what you think about my “disguise”?


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One last thing before moving on with my European trip, I went to a club. And of course I had to buy a new dress, hahaa. It was dark so I did some filtering on this one. A bit artistic 😛


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Oh, almost forgot! I also tried climbing the first time in my life. It was kind of fun but a bit too scary and very hard on my arms! I won’t probably do it again…


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See you soon again!



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