Photography Tips anyone can learn #7 - 'lessons so far'


Sometimes an image just comes together, and this one happened to tick most of the boxes of what I've been talking about in previous posts.

I was sat in my office (er...the bar) the other day, working on my laptop when I noticed my daughter and her friend chatting in the doorway. The light was lovely - as it usually is there (yellow arrow), and so I quickly switched on the phone and took this.

IMG_7713.JPG IMG_7764.JPG

It took just a couple of seconds to focus and compose.

  • Straight away, you'll notice how I make use of the lead-in lines - particularly from the right side to lead in from the corner to where the girls were playing. (see lesson 4). I also particularly like the way the vertical lines stack up on the left of the image, from the door frame to the fully open door against the back wall.

  • You'll notice that I paid attention to the clock and made sure that it wasn't cropped off half way - there's space behind it. (see lesson 3). Additionally, it's important to leave a little space on the left to show that it's a doorframe.

  • I placed the subject (the girls) are on one of the 'third intersections' (see lesson 6).

  • For good measure, the reflection adds some nice interest (see lesson 1).

The reflection is more accidental - I wasn't looking at it at all. Sometimes you hit a bonus point. But the other elements were all quickly considered before pressing the shutter button. Most important of all is that they're in good light. Everything else just makes the image stronger. I think it'll be a lovely memory for them when they're older &, I'll enjoy seeing this one printed.

As always, if you find any of this remotely interesting, please upvote it and esteem it. It's very much appreciated.



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