Greetings from a Curious Morning Visitor

Don't you just love it when life just works...?

My Morning Visitor

Don't know if you're in the same boat, but being 'in-between' jobs (or as I like to call it 'semi-retirement' lol) my mornings can be a little... well, unorganised. Sometimes, I know exactly how my day is going to pan out and some days, it can be difficult to get going and focus on anything.

I am the 'Eye of the Tiger'...

This morning was one of those slow mornings, I had planned to photograph my next plant 'suspect' for the identification series however, I just wasn't feeling it...

And that's when life stepped in and just handed me a plan...

tfw, they turn their head to look over their shoulder at you..!

My mantis visitor was first spotted when taking the dogs outside for their morning walk and suddenly I knew what the subject for today's photography would be.

After grabbing my camera, I raced back outside and at first, thought I'd lost him but I found him crawling on some power tools that were hanging off the wall.

As I walked out the door, he lost his (cute, little) footing and fell down onto some plants which thankfully, provided a much nicer background than the concrete.

Ready... Set... Jump!

Just after this photo was taken, the mantis long-jumped over to my camera lens... and scared the bejeebers outta me at the same time.

BUT, with that jump, I immediately understood that the mantis needed to climb higher; his determination was evident and I knew that he was prepared to climb anything, EVEN ME... in order to achieve his goal.

It almost seemed like he was asking for help.

Fly, be free

Anyhoo, after taking enough photos, I decided to let him continue on his merry way... but before setting him free, I helped him relocate over to a lovely, tall tree before watching him scurry away.

Until next time... xxx

Thanks for stopping by and reading my post, I really do appreciate your time.

And remember to keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're thinking...!

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All photos, stories and graphics are my own work unless otherwise noted.

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