The road to my village that not yet paved.

Good night to all my friend.

Tonight I delay to continue posting about a trip to the mangrove park because there are few I just made a post that didn't concerning with the story yesterday, I hope you all can understand it ..😊.

I made this post because by chance this morning when I returned home I saw my village's road was still very alarming.


Since the first time I have been able see the sun and for even 30 years I have already lived in this world, the village where I live has never been touched by tarmac at all...

I do not know why the government has never given its attention to our village, even though many of them have visited it.

They only sought support from my villagers to become officials, but never cared about the fate of the population when his position was achieved. they are like peanuts that forget the skin ... Very disappointing.

My village is actually not a careless village that does not provide anything for the Aceh region, especially North Aceh.

My village has given birth to a generation of gold whose name is fragrant to all corners of the world, even some of the sons of the region born in my village are among the important peoples for the progress of Aceh, but their place of birth is left abandoned like an abandoned village..The government does not care at all about the already services provided by my village.


  • They only sought support from our village, after they were elected they no longer cared about where they sought their support.

****To this day the population of my village still awaits the good of the government and still hopes to be noticed.****

We only hope that the government will smooth the way of our village with asphalt, so that the villagers have no difficulty when crossing it.

The government should not just look for the benefits found in our village, then after the goal it is achieved, we are ignored..

Please pay attention to us oh North Aceh district government, the regent is you who claims to be someone who cares about the people of the interior, then why are you so arrogant when you have been elected to that position ...Why you have changed like a nut who forgot his skin..??

And to other officials who are looking for seats through our village,please you not be like a dog that no longer knows your cage after being elected as an official.

And to important people who have been born in our village, please go home to advance your area of origin, dont longer care about the behavior of officials who use you but they don't pay attention to your grandmother's village.

Thank you..


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