Blue Faceted Light. Color Challenge. Friday Sky Blue. Original Photography

Twelve crystals.
Oversee your world.
Blue faceted light. Protection.
Your voice. Found now. Was never really lost.

Today's 'Color Challenge for Steemians' as presented by @kalemandra is Friday Sky Blue.

We shall not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring:
Will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Photograph: ©Alison Lee Cousland.
SONY Mark2 A7: ISO 400: 35 mm: f/6.3: 1/40 sec.

Light residing in the centre of the six pointed star is said to stimulate the heart centre, unlocking the creative and healing power within.

'Blue Faceted Light.'

  • The background of 'Blue Faceted Light' was one of the stages of creating an assemblage:
    Deep is the Ocean of Love for @everlove's 'Collaborative Art Journey #22.'

  • I've since added another layer: Six inner and six outer crystal petals.

About my work.

Relatively small assemblages or arrangements are constructed from flowers, weeds and plants, stones, crystals and shells, combined with other natural materials that I find in the local bushland or surrounding urban streets.

A fuller description is in my introductory article: The Heart of Immortality.

If you have any questions about my work or would like to leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you.

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