About mountains, dog-artist and bears. Part 2

From the nameless peak a good panorama of the sea and the places where our way was laid open. On the right hand, in the shadow of the cloud, the rocky mountain range was darkened, this is the highest point on the Koni peninsula, its height is 1549.7 meters above sea level. At the foot of the mountain in a deep bowl left by a glacier, lies a small lake, giving rise to the Bouncy stream. From this side, it is unreal to come down on our own two.


The most passable option was only one, climb to a height of 1466 m from our lake, located at an altitude of 1055.3 m, to reach the ridge that connects the Rocky and the Nameless mountains. The wall formed by this ridge separates the Hindi valley from the sources of the Bodry stream. On its slope, we were to descend to an altitude of about 600 m above sea level. Total climb of 410.7 m, then a height loss of about 866 m. My knees were not happy with this load.


In the photo above this wall is visible, it has a reddish-orange color.


The picture seems to be quite easy, but when you look at it with your own eyes alive, it's hard to believe that it's possible to go down. At first I did not believe that it was possible.


With a heavy backpack that displaced unclear where the center of gravity, balancing on a large boulder is not so simple, besides there are a lot of "floating" stones, with which it is easy to leave for the company. With such a great risk to get up, carrying a camera around your neck has no reason. I wrapped all the equipment in all the soft things and put it back into the back of the pack. On such a descent it is better to have hands free. The camera got out only after 7 hours.


The camp was placed next to the snowfield near the creek. And that, a refrigerator with bacon near by, a fireplace already someone has organized before us, wood is also nearby. You can live. On the evening of the same day they went to the waterfall, he did not shoot it, offering to take it off at dawn, when there will be a better light. Impressed the mountain, like a monkey mountain from the movie "King Kong".


Dogs have strongly brought down paws. After jumping over the rocks and dusty descent from the pass, the alpika seemed like a small paradise. Flowers, soft grass, no thorns. But in the evening mosquitoes got out.


Our valley disappeared into the shadow of the mountains, it became cooler. Some peaks were still illuminated by sunset rays.



Somewhere on the slope above the lake, a bear was yelling with a kindly mat. Putting on the camera a telephoto lens, I tried to find a poor fellow. Found it on a steep slope above a circus with a lake. He tried to descend the snowfield. Paws slid, ass bounced and he was very risky to break. As he stopped his slide, he again climbed up to the ridge and made another attempt. Almost all night, the bear swore from the heights until it was put to sleep. Here it has managed.


The next morning, waking up, the mountain-climber with screams continued his efforts. We, as planned, went to shoot a waterfall. In warm sunlight he looked much better.


In the meantime, the mountaineer bear continued to scream somewhere on the top, occasionally the sound of stinking stones was heard. After breakfast they fed the dogs. Vanya decided to heal their injured paws. I was looking at a brown climber, Volodya was looking at the pictures near the fire, dozing off glumly near the snowfield. And then there was a grunt and a tramp. I looked at the viewfinder, and turned, starting to shoot. A small bear cub from the bushes ran straight to the dog and disappeared into the bushes with fright, and the bear splashed snot and drool, rushed past the stunned Ugryum, tearing the clods of earth. The dog looked at us inquiringly, saying, "What to do with this fool?" Volodya ordered: "Ato her!" Our guards jerked from their seats, and I noticed the time. For some 10 minutes, lame dogs drove the stupid mother to the pass, which we climbed an hour and a half on the way back. They spent three hours on their return. Tailed fools, in excitement even more knocked down paws.




Instead of quietly withdrawing, until no one sees, the bear begins to run and frighten everyone. It's understandable, the meeting is quite unexpected. Bear cub, after a while ran back, looked around in confusion and disappeared into the shutters. I suppose they met Mom at night and everything was in order.


After almost two days of unsuccessful attempts to get off the mountain, the mountaineer bear managed to overcome the steep section and cheerfully descended to our camp. In vain it is he. While he was shouting upstairs, the dogs did not react to him, but then the whole delegation went to meet the guest. After 20 minutes, the bear again covered this life with dogs and dogs, sitting there, where he had been trying to get off so long. There is nothing to do, he had to look for another path along the ridges. Already at dusk, the bear stopped yelling.


In this valley, closer to the wall, Volodya found black-capped marmots. Once they were brought from Kamchatka and released on the southern coast. Then a part of them disappeared somewhere, well, we found out that the marmots had settled into the interior of the peninsula. To remove the marmot more or less succeeded Volodya, we did not shoot it. As we tried to leave without attracting the attention of the sleeping guards, they very soon caught up with us and, of course, found a burrow of marmots. Uncontrollable animals, neither to drive, nor to tie. Shooting now will not be exactly, you can disperse. Spitting on everything, I went to the lake nearby. Of all the puddles and lakes, it was the least icy. Undressing, I ducked into the azure surface. What a bliss, after all the transitions in the heat and in the dust, bathe in pure cool water, and then barefoot on the soft grass to reach the camp! Legs first rested from oak boots.


Throughout the night echoing in the valley echoed sonorous barking. When frenzied dogs thrust their muzzle into the hole, the bark sounded hollow. Until the morning, then deaf, then ringing. At dawn the sleepy dogs returned to the feeding. On this day, Vanya and I went to the lake and to the ledge of the Monkey Mountain. According to the idea, there was to be a view of the waterfall and the headwaters of Hindi.


The three of us went with Ugryum, and Vladimir took Volodya with him. On the way we found interesting streaks on the rocks. Maybe geologists will tell me what it is?


I was not impressed with the view, although the clouds were very interesting. Still, the top and the wall from which we descended here are clearly visible from here.


Vanya took pictures with enthusiasm. Ugryum looked at us from the bushes and disappeared again.


Deciding to see what was behind the curve, I walked away. I saw a couple of buzzards, followed them, a good draft at the corner and I certainly did not hear Vanka any more. The birds started screaming and diving at me. I was fascinated by the search for a nest and shooting birds, climbed up the slope. From shooting, I was torn off by the sound of rocks falling from somewhere below. Adrenal glands contracted and added adrenaline to the blood. I look down, and there Ugryum. He looked at me, at the bird, wag his tail and, making sure that I was fine, left again. I thought that he returned to Vanya.


Leaving the birds alone, walked past the lake and returned to the camp, where Vanya was already sitting by the fire. We have got into a dispute. Ivan thought that I took the dog and threw it, although I deliberately left the dog with him. As for evil, as if to confirm his words, the lop-eared scoundrel himself appeared on the part of the lake. Probably, Ugryum found me and was spinning around, though he did not show himself. Misunderstanding one with these dogs and somehow it was uncomfortable happened. Well, it happens.


At breakfast, we found another bear. I've never seen such huge bears, they are sometimes called bulls. It's already a male with a silvery back. He came from the pass from the Rocky and descended along the slope near our camp. Every now and then he turned over the stones and looked for something there. The dogs raised their barking and rushed to the unexpected visitor. Looking at all this in a TV, I did not find much art in this layout, I preferred to save space on the flash drive. The reaction of the bear to the dogs surprised me, there was a superiority in the beast and full awareness of the fact that he was the master here. Such an elephant and Moska. Dogs for him were like annoying mosquitoes, a loud fry, which you do not need to pay attention to. He left, and without giving the opportunity to Ugryum and Anton to enjoy the excitement of the pursuit.

After breakfast we turned the camp and went further along the route to the Great Lake.
To be continued.
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Alexey Voron.

The first part is here: https://steemit.com/photography/@alexeyvoron/about-mountains-dog-artist-and-bears-part-1

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