A small series of photos in a typical Italian cuisine. The preparation of homemade "tagliatelle".

Goodmorning everyone!
How did you spend Saturday night ??
Yesterday I was hired to take pictures for a birthday and I came back very late.


This morning I woke up and my mom was making fresh homemade pasta! You know how we Italians are, we're going crazy for food and we're proud of it.


I entered the kitchen in time to make a small set of noodles preparation (they are like spaghetti but wider)


I'm proud of myself, because I was really tired. I took pictures for several hours at the birthday of this night and a little while ago I took the camera and took more pictures! : D


Making homemade pasta is an art.


It's a bit complicated, because it takes time, and it takes manual skills, but the final taste is the maximum of pleasure.

Well guys! I wanted to greet you with this little set and wish you a good lunch !!

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