Sanger vs Timphan Kw super

Good morning before the day the people
And the steemans wherever you are
On this very sunny Saturday, the day when the worker may be relaxed anymore the story is relaxed or relaxed it is necessary, because make a head refress do not get tired to accumulate in otat then from that we have to relax for a moment to enjoy a cup of sanger coffee and aceh typical cake such as timphan asoe is rich but inside its not timphan but like to order food release thirst like oky jelidrink.
Happy weekend.

Selamat pagi menjelang siang para masyarakat
Dan para2 steemian dimanapun anda berada
Di hari sabtu yang sangat cerah ini , hari dimana pekerja mungkin lagi santai apapun itu ceritanya santai atau rilek itu perlu , karena buat refress kepala jangan sampai penat menumpuk di otat maka dari itu kita harus rilek sejenak untuk menikmati secangkir kopi sanger dan kue khas aceh seperti timphan asoe kaya tapi di dalam nya bukan timphan melainkan seperti agar agar makanan pelepas dahaga seperti oky jelidrink.




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