In a few words about Cornflowers 馃挋馃尵馃尶馃尲馃挏 #BlueFlowersDay #Challenge 馃挋馃尲馃摲

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This time I will try my hand in another # challenge. This will be my first proposal in the #BlueFlowersDay by @aditzu challenge. Generally, I really like flowers in this color, they are less common, and thus more original. The ones I publish today are one of my favorite flowers of all time, namely cornflowers. They are very pretty, they have a unique, intense color, which is often called their name - cornflower blue. It is a combination of blue and purple 馃挋馃挏 As for the name of the flower, it supposedly comes from a Greek doctor living in the fourth century BC - Hippocrates, who claimed that the plant (Centaurea cyanus) pointed to the Greeks centaur Chiron, educator of many heroes of Greek mythology 馃嚞 馃嚪


Although for me, together with poppies and camomile, they are known as field flowers, blooming among fields of cereals or on nearby meadows, they really move to planned crops 馃尵馃尶馃尲 There are two reasons for this - firstly the cornflowers are not able to compete with the chemicals used by farmers. Secondly, it's beautiful plants, very decorative, undemanding and easy to grow 馃憣馃憣馃憣 It will definitely decorate your garden or rockery with little effort. Nevertheless, I hope that I will encounter cornflowers in the fields, although this year. These are flowers that remind me of the summer, my childhood, bouquets carried for my mother or grandmother, or wreaths woven together with my friends 馃懅馃拹

I will also add, that the cornflower is a plant with valuable healing properties too. Its flowers have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and they are used in diseases of the eyes and kidneys, as well as helpful in the treatment of mycosis and dandruff. Apparently they also help to cure bites and wounds. This is quite a wide field of activity. In cornflowers hides such compounds as flavonoids, anthocyanidins, mineral salts with a high content of manganese and potassium, tannins and vitamin C 馃尲馃啔馃拪


For me, cornflowers are an obligatory element of idyllic meadows and fields, inherent in the rural landscape. I hope you like the flower and that it will last as long as possible in its natural surroundings 馃挋馃尵馃尶馃尲馃挏

Let me know what you think about cornflowers, does in your area also grow such flowers? Maybe I just have to change the neighborhood 馃槈



Witajcie ponownie 馃槉

Tym razem spr贸buj臋 swoich si艂 w innym #challenge'u. B臋dzie to moja pierwsza propozycja w wyzwaniu #BlueFlowersDay by @aditzu. Og贸lnie bardzo lubi臋 kwiaty w tym kolorze, s膮 one rzadziej spotykane, a tym samym bardziej oryginalne. Te, kt贸rych zdj臋cie dzi艣 publikuj臋 to jedne z moich ulubionych kwiat贸w wszechczas贸w, a mianowicie chabry 馃挋馃尲 S膮 bardzo 艂adne, maj膮 wyj膮tkowy, intensywny kolor, kt贸ry nazywany jest cz臋sto od ich nazwy - chabrowym, lub b艂awatkowym. Jest to po艂膮czenie b艂臋kitu i fioletu 馃挋馃挏 Co do nazwy kwiatu, podobno pochodzi ona od od greckiego lekarza 偶yj膮cego w IV wieku przed nasz膮 er膮 - Hipokratesa, kt贸ry twierdzi艂, 偶e ro艣lin臋 (Centaurea cyanus) wskaza艂 Grekom centaur Chiron, wychowawca wielu heros贸w mitologii greckiej 馃嚞馃嚪


Chocia偶 dla mnie wraz z makami i rumiankiem kojarz膮 si臋 jako kwiaty polne, rozkwitaj膮ce w艣r贸d 艂an贸w zb贸偶 lub na pobliskich 艂膮kach, to tak naprawd臋 chabry przenosz膮 si臋 raczej na planowane uprawy 馃尵馃尶馃尲 Przyczyny tego stanu rzeczy s膮 dwie - po pierwsze chabry nie s膮 w stanie rywalizowa膰 ze 艣rodkami chemicznymi u偶ywanymi przez rolnik贸w. Po drugie to pi臋kne ro艣liny, bardzo dekoracyjne, niewymagaj膮ce i 艂atwe w uprawie 馃憣馃憣馃憣 Na pewno wspaniale ozdobi膮 wasz ogr贸dek lub skalniak, przy niewielkim nak艂adzie pracy. Mimo to mam nadziej臋 偶e napotkam chabry na polach, chocia偶 jeszcze w tym roku. To kwiaty kojarz膮ce mi si臋 z latem, dzieci艅stwem, bukietami niesionymi dla mamy lub babci, z plecionymi z kole偶ankami wiankami 馃懅馃拹

Dodam jeszcze 偶e chaber b艂awatek, jest r贸wnie偶 ro艣lin膮 o cennych w艂a艣ciwo艣ciach leczniczych. Jego kwiaty maj膮 dzia艂anie moczop臋dne, przeciwzapalne i przeciwbakteryjne, a stosuje si臋 je przy chorobach oczu i nerek, a tak偶e pomocniczo w leczeniu grzybicy i 艂upie偶u. Podobno pomagaj膮 tak偶e na ugryzienia i rany. To do艣膰 szerokie pole dzia艂ania. W chabrach kryj膮 si臋 takie zwi膮zki jak flawonoidy, antocyjanidyny, sole mineralne z du偶膮 zawarto艣ci膮 manganu oraz potasu, garbniki oraz witamina C 馃尲馃啔馃拪


Dla mnie chabry to obowi膮zkowy element sielskich 艂膮k i p贸l, nieod艂膮cznie obecny w wiejskim krajobrazie. Mam nadziej臋 偶e kwiat wam si臋 podoba oraz, 偶e jak najd艂u偶ej przetrwa w swoim naturalnym otoczeniu 馃挋馃尵馃尶馃尲馃挏

Dajcie zna膰 co my艣licie o chabrach, czy u was r贸wnie偶 rosn膮 takie kwiaty? Mo偶e po prostu musz臋 zmieni膰 okolic臋 馃槈


馃摲 by @adazone

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