The Winter's Sun


If we could all just take a moment out of our lives look up at the sky and see the beauty of it all. To ignore the things that get us down in life for just a minute and relax in the radiating warmth of the Sun and the blue hues of the sky. Getting away from the city and the snow dirtied by road debris and tire tracks. To see the way the sun bounces in glistens off of freshly laid snow causes my mind to forget about the cold darkness of winter.

The trees and the growth have all hibernated for winter and it seems so dead, but if we look to the naked branches we can see the wildlife moving and hear the birds chirping. It gives me hope as I let the embracing warmth of the Sun wash across my face. A light that penetrates my mind and instills me with happiness.

It's only for a short time of the year that we can view the winter’s sun and bask and it's effervescent glow. Breaking away from that depressive slump that our limited sunlight instilled within us, seeing a light throughout a darkened mind. It may be just for a minute, but I shall remember that minute for the months to come.

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