UK home to the triangle cloud's...


I have only just gotten back into the swing of things after my holiday... Life is all a lesson.. I just felt I had to add that..


So as many of you know I am a gardener, so I happen to be on my feet alot of the day, a friend of mine told me about their "fit bit".. I happened to buy onr.. its interesting to see how my day to day pans out..


My point here is that I walk alot.. and alot of the time I am looking up.. watching our skies.. why?'. . .theres change up there that you also can witness.. rather than a tv screen or phone.. its a reality we all can tap into and share the phenomenon.. as reaserch takes you to all sorts of rabbit holes as such.. one .. "Blue beam" ...


My images are only taken using my current mobile phone, as years go by the intent to buy a 'decent camera is yet to forfil as such.. I will produce more content I feel with real zoom..


Meanwhile we are left with grey skies above.. so, in other region's of the realm.. plesse feel free to share your skies.. take care.. be safe.. reasearch ;


Solar sheild


Opperation Popeye

Opperation Blue beam

These are just a few to look into.. look up.. thankyou...


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