Are Flowers Really Overrated?


It's that time of the year when all you can just see are hearts, flowers, and chocolates everywhere. It only means one thing: it's Valentine's Day! It's one of those days wherein couples (most especially women) would get really excited and buy or prepare for things to be given to their loved ones. For others (and for those single people out there), this may not always be the case.

Flowers are the music of the ground. From earth's lips spoken without sound. ~ Edwin Curran

But what tickles my mind is the question: "Are flowers really overrated?". Well I honestly don't know the answer to that question, but I do just have an opinion on that matter. As much as I love flowers, I think it would just have to depend on the person whether or not they wanted to give flowers to their loved ones in the first place. I honestly think that it's the thought and the effort that our significant others exert that's what's really important here. We all have choices on what to give or do for them. It could either be the conventional way like giving flowers and chocolates or it could also be in the form of looking for more original ways on how to make them feel special on this day. At the end of the day, all these efforts and gifts would all just be the same. For me, they're just subtle ways of saying: I LOVE YOU ❤

A Million Flowers for a million reasons why I love you 💐

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