Our yard and creek are in full spring bloom with wildflowers and flowers we have planted.IMG_20180429_115553_kindlephoto-63245947.jpg
This creek is right in our front yard, steps from our door!
I worked REALLY hard finding a place in town, that was affordable, had more room, had a washer and dryer (oh the luxury after washing our clothes by hand for a year lol) AND was a nook of nature in town. I did it. I still can't believe it every time I walk out our door!
Here is one of our Tulips. My Daughter and I got the bulbs half price right before it was too late to plant them this winter at the Biltmore Estate. She picked the variety, I dont remember the name but soooo gorgeous!IMG_20180429_115633_kindlephoto-62708450.jpg
We go to Lowes after there is bad weather and get discounted plants and make an afternoon planting whenever we can. IMG_20180429_115928_kindlephoto-62649865.jpg
This is our strawberry and cream perenial that looked so horrible that I didnt think it would make it when my daughter found it, but LOOK at it now! $1.
Hang out spot! I found these chairs on the side of the road <3IMG_20180429_115719_kindlephoto-62558978.jpg
Annuals that CAME BACK the following year! Bigger then ever. Right in front of mailbox to brighten postal workers day, and a great place for neighboring dogs to leave their mark lol! May be why they came back.
Azalea's bloomed last night during the PINK full moom! (pink full moon, is a thing that happens occasionally- I may try to add a link)
Here is a link about the pink moon!
Pretty purple star shaped flower vine type thingie on other side of creek.IMG_20180429_115520.jpg
Flowers right by the front door! Some planted and some yellow wildflowers that literally are filling our yard and we cant bring ourselves to mow.
One last tiny peak of the creek with flowers! This spot is rigbt on the bridge at the end of our driveway and is a neighborhood stop spot for kids and parents to stop and feed the fish that school under that tree right there. There are lots of kids in this neighborhood, which is so great having a four year old!

Have a lovely day Steemians

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