Steemit, I am back: three edits for your picture!


That's right, I'm back!
Firstly, I want to apologize for not posting for months. I found a new job and had a lot of other stuff going on in my private life. Time had to be freed and the first victim was my online life. But now, after a few months of getting used to the new stuff, I would love to started posting on Steemit again!

Something new
This time I want to introduce a new format; something that's shorter to read, with more photos. And I want to ask you guys for help: if you have a photo somewhere on your pc that you shot yourself and you really like, please post it in a new post with the hashtag #photofeedback.
"Yeah Laurens, old news..."

Nope! This time, if you post a picture on your feed with #photofeedback, I will upload it into Lightroom and make three edits:

One enhanced, realistic edit.
One surreal, artsy edit.
And one black and white edit

With this new approach, you get multiple pictures edited by me, which may inspire you when shooting or editing yourself! And if you have a question about one of the edits, you can always ask them in the comments, I will answer all of them.

So if you have some spare time and some spare photos, please tag me using #photofeedback and you will receive three pictures in return in my next post!


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