Nature and its sclupture


It had been a long time since I haven't some fascinating place . I was planning to visit somewhere around place but I wasn't able to manage time for travelling. At last me and my friends decides to travel some new place in weekend. There were many many places which were coming in our mind but we werent able to decide where to go. Our friends and relatives were suggesting and recommending us different place where they have been to.

Finally, we decided to visit Bishajari Taal which can be transled as 20000 lake in english. But it doesn't make sense because there was only one small lake. Despite being small, it was beautiful and the water colour was green. Maybe due to the different species of algae and fungi which were blooming inside the water. Near to the lake, there were several sclupture which have same dimesion. The sclupture exactly temple can be easily seen . Since this place was located in the middle of the jungle, very few people visit this place everyday. But it was one one of the best place to roam around I have ever visited near my locality.

If you want to take some rest from daily work or want to enjoy some fresh air. This will the place made for you. On top of that, the musical sound of birds make it more interesting to lie here.


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