Wedding Photo of the Day #21


Wow, three weeks of wedding photos, I'm starting to wonder how long I can keep this up. I'm actually pretty sure I can keep it up indefinitely, I mean with 300+ weddings in the library (although many of the oldest are a bit more difficult to access, stored only on our endless external hard drives!) Only time will tell I guess! But it's always a nice way to start the day!
Sansom Photography best wedding photography uk -8-15.jpg
Freelens, Veil, BW, Awesome couple....what more do you need!?

Caught up with my feed a lot quicker today, it helps that it's bloody freezing outside so I'm staying in with a blanket and the TV + my work laptop! I'm being a bit of a pansy really, the truth is the snow looks beautiful falling outside, but it's not really settled enough to look great in photos yet. We'll have to see if it sticks around!

All Images are mine and copyright belongs to me.

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