Polish Woodlands - Forest Scene

Hi All!

I was walking yesterday, or maybe exploring, in some new forest areas near Olsztyn in search for compositions and photo spots to re-visit in future and different conditions.

On the edge of the forest and a meadow I spotted this scene which caught my eye instantly.

Different forms of the trees, different species - old, mossy tree branches, young spruces, the wall of the forest with older, mossy oaks.

The mixture of colors, almost autumnal scene in early springtime.

At the end - the light filtered by the trees in a hazy air filled up the empty spaces and gave the desired mood.

I decided to capture this scene in a standard 3:2 format as well as the wide, panoramic view.

There are some places in the woods which has this "something" - some more magic, energy, give more inspirations then others.

I like this one - and I hope You will enjoy it too :).

Have a good start of a new week!


Please watch the pano-shot below in a full screen mode!


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