Alone In This Secret Place


At One With This Sky

Many things are on my mind lately. This spot off the river promotes my mind well. So.. I work full time, am a father of a young man and there are so many responsibilities and duties of life that engulf me. I launched a website 2 weeks ago. Some great friends and I are working on another new website to promote blockchain and freedoms that may be enjoyed while using it. I nailed a beautiful ETC trade today.. Yet I want more...

Recently through much inspiration and encouragement from Tijo, CEO of the @thearcanebear, I have embarked on a mission to bring my best to the world. At 35 years old I feel I am indeed ripe for the task. At a prime advantage, I will take my fire to the world. A world that needs hope. A world that needs peace. A world that needs light.

The Opposition

We are opposed consistently by a group of conspirators, those who believe they have the right to suppress, oppress and stifle anyone and anything that they will. This is of course done in direct opposition to the natural laws of the universe. Nowhere do they have the right. Free will is challenged daily, hourly and by the minutes...seconds even.

Not a single deep dark psychology is spared from their victims. No bomb left unexploded that will further their wicked agenda, cost what it may. They are not deterred from any perversion within their long reach in order to feel they are the masters of our thoughts, desires and futures.

They hold all in duress and pass the burdens of their manipulative ways down to those who will enforce their ill will. The people are waking up, we need more help...

My Hope

I wish to see our children and future children and all generations of our future seeds flourish and prosper. I dream of efficiency and fairness for all. I want a world of consequences. Those who remove themselves from sanity and rational policy making, at the expense of those who need to live in harmony with the universe, should be left in a world where natural law takes out the trash. Much more I learn all the time. @wwf has shown me tremendous things, still I learn. We all will be students all our lives. Keep moving forward..

Food for all is my dream. Guidance for all. The ability to learn and develope freely as we choose and not learn from altered or censored material is a hope I wish to see granted to all who wish to see it.

We Press Forward

I hope everyone begins to understand what is at stake and I seriously doubt that those who have awakened need further examples. You all know what to do..whatever your skills are, maximize them. It doesnt matter what you can or cant do. You will learn. @soyrosa doctored up my cover photo a tad. I cant do it, but Im learning 🤗😊. Leverage, leverage leverage. Leverage your talents. Sounds like I am in another trade doesnt it? 😊 Writers, write. Singers, sing. If you cook food for the soldiers, cook. Heck, feed yourself some good barbecue if you like 😁.Producers, produce. Content creators, create.

Many of you know what is happening, some are just awakening. The worst position to be in is in the know, and choosing of your own free will to be silent. Do not hold back. Trust. Self is not important anymore. Will you all see that the our future selves and the ability for our loved ones to even cater to their own selves 10 years from now is in jeopardy here? Leaders, lead. Teachers, teach. Traders, trade. We are at war. You have only seen the beginning.

In The End

You have not seen anything yet.. I promise you. So preppers, prepare. Tighten up. Encourage one another. Feed each other. Take care of our people. Talk, love and respect. Educate for freedom. Educate financial liberty. Be kind to our home. Our universe will justify you. Whatever your skills are, bring them out now 🤗😊

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