Rufous Hummingbird

A female Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus) in flight. They are difficult critters to get a shot of and to freeze the motion this was taken with a shutter speed of 1/2500, that’s less than half a millisecond. Hard to believe these tiny birds travel over 3,200 km (2,000 miles) from Alaska to southern Mexico and back, having to cross mountain ranges as high as 3,800 m (12,600 ft). Measuring only 7cm (2.8–3.5 in) long, it is the longest bird migration on earth when measured in body lengths. They weigh a miniscule 2 to 5 g (0.071 and 0.176 oz). Kinbasket Lake, British Columbia, Canada.


If you would like to learn a little bit more about my background in photography you can read the interview @photofeed did with me here

Robert Downie
Love Life, Love Photography

All images in this post were taken by and remain the Copyright of Robert Downie -

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