All Roads Leads To...


All Roads Leads To Rome...

Me and my wife (@annester) took on photography and purchased a Canon EOS Rebel T6 for Christmas. Now that we are travelling we are realizing how it was one of the best investment of our life.

We had a wonderful time in Rome, a short 3 days to eat great food and visit the birthplace of what we know as Christendom and Western Civilization. It is truly indescribable how it feels to walk in history.

Here is a short journey in pictures of our trip to Rome.

The Colosseum and the Roman Ruins


The Cross of the Colosseum

There were many different types of executions in the Colosseum. Christian Martyrs were executed as common criminals by crucifixion or "damnatio ad bestia" (thrown to the wild beasts). The vicious and cruel emperors and Romans delighted in even more novel ways of executing Christian Martyrs. The Emperor Nero introduced twilight executions where hapless Christians were nailed to the cross and burned alive as torches to light the arena of the Colosseum.

Now stands a cross in memory to this incredible time in history.


Pantheon of Rome


Mr 100 Tiramisu - Tasting the Flavours of Italy


Vatican City - Saint Peter's Basilica


Like I said in my previous post, we made the mistake to come on Sunday...which meant that we were not able to visit the Sistine Chapel...still our visit of the St Peter's Basilica and the dome was worth the be taken slowly. Below are some of the picture we took. At time, the architecture was just so much that we felt a sensory overloaded by the cheer amount of beauty and art.

The Altar of St Peter's


The baldachin is at the centre of the crossing and directly under the dome of the basilica. Designed by the Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini, it was intended to mark, in a monumental way, the place of Saint Peter's tomb underneath.

The View From The Top


To be honest, climbing to the top of St Peter's Basilica was nerve racking but what an amazing experience! The view was just incredible. No words or pictures can describe the feeling.

A Panini and Chilling Out on the Roof-Top



I didn't want to monopolize all the photos since @annester is the one who worked hard at doing the editing. Make sure to follow her account to see more photos of our journey in including more of Rome, Cinque Terre and Sorrento & Pompei!

Cheers and Steem On!

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