Now my heart is closed to you

It's too late for you to come to me
After I got your replacement
Now my heart is closed to you
Enough of my suffering
Why did you leave me
Without any message to me
At that time my love was growing

Es demasiado tarde para que vengas a mi
Después de que obtuve tu reemplazo
Ahora mi corazon esta cerrado para ti
Basta de mi sufrimiento
Por qué me dejaste
Sin ningún mensaje para mi
En ese momento mi amor estaba creciendo


You let it wither
Now you come to me again
After you tortured me It's too late
It's too late
Everything has passed


Lo dejas marchitar
Ahora vienes a mi otra vez
Después de que me torturaste
Es demasiado tarde
Es demasiado tarde
Todo ha pasado

This photo was taken by using Samsung Galaxy A80 smartphone camera
Editing Application : Photo Lab

Who am I? I'm not saying that I'm nobody. Former Steemit user and content creator. Too cliché. Not WHALE, just tiny plankton, but I have an influence on the community I'm in. Hate the vicious circle and greedy whale. That's it.

¿Quién soy? No digo que no sea nadie. Ex usuario de Steemit y creador de contenido. Demasiado cliché. No BALLENA, solo plancton diminuto, pero tengo una influencia en la comunidad en la que estoy. Odio el círculo vicioso y la ballena codiciosa. Solo eso.

“We can't force everyone to like our work. What we can do is like the photos we have created.” – Galih Sedayu“What I love about photography is that they capture moments that are lost forever and are impossible to reproduce.” – Karl Lagerfeld


Your upvoting, commenting, and reblogging make me smile, and your support on this platform i realize that I'm surrounded by people who love me. Thank you Hivers for everything.

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