Heya Steemit

Yeah, its true, the last thing I wanted to do is to take a selfie. But what the heck, when in Rome #introduceyourself... (but geez, u didn't expect me to smile right!?)

Steemit Welcome.png

To perfectly honest I recently gave up social networking altogether opting to become a digital pilgrim divorced from the world of facebook and twitter and the barrage of cats. I realized that I wasn't ever going to find great social bonds in online spaces (but i could ruin a few), and although I could see the snippets and existence of old friends, it could never be as satisfying as visiting them in person.

And yet, here I am. Why?
Cause a former fellow student of philosophy who actually went on to be a working philosopher invited me (Hiya @Samueldouglas) and because I am keenly interested in the use of block chain technologies to create decentralized platforms that are not controlled by an owning party.

And although the blockchain hardly addresses the issue of privacy, or the right to privacy (lets just face it, if you post online you exist in the public domain and online anonymity is mostly a fable), it does impact on the ownership of content and the way people leverage off of the things we willingly share.

Google probably still knows which color underpants I wear, and if I was interested, you could bet they'd advertise more to me, and you can be sure that they know what I'm interested in better then I do.

I am very interested in exploring how Steemit addresses this issue. Cursory reading suggests that this text gets added to the blockchain, although in that it is viewable on a web page surely it also lives on a web server somewhere? Maybe? I dunno?
Still... is the text entry on the blockchain like the stamp of ownership? Created by @akvandy on the 5th Feb as he scribbled out unedited thoughts into the public blockchain?

So here I am.
A former student of philosophy who is still shaped by his own lack of answers and who still thinks the questions are more important. Who has asked many questions and has often asked the wrong ones too. Who is undisciplined, and who is as fallible, and flawed, and as messed up as the next person, and who might continue to scribble and interact due to his excitement and fear at the prospects of technology.
Who likes music, and books, and many other things besides (long walks on the beach, lol).
Who's sense of humor is sometimes dry and awful!
Who is 40, and is married, and who has 2 kids, and who is very interested in how this platform works.


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