Why observence of God's laws are in our interest.

Do you think the rules of chess are "oppressive"?

Well maybe they are under certain definitions, but while playing the maximum enjoyment and benefit can be achieved by strict adherence by everyone to the rules. The creator(s) of the game of chess designed it in such a way that mastery of the game, and the satisfaction that comes with it, can be achieved but only through a lot of practise while strictly complying with the rules, as with almost all such games.

By the same token, if the rules of chess are defenestrated, the "game" immediately descends into chaos which ultimately means a less enjoyable and beneficial experience for the players, and no progress at all can made towards the ultimate satisfaction of mastering the game.

I put to you that the game of life is exactly the same.

The Creator of the universe created spiritual laws which are designed to guide us towards what the Creator had in mind for us. Some of our actions bring about negative consequences on ourselves, which we have all clearly felt before. Some of our actions bring about positive consequences. We have all felt guilty after doing something wrong, for example, and we have all felt great having done something kind. We all feel these positive and negative emotions and they were all caused by things that we did which activated these spiritual laws, in this life or another. No-one likes to think that they are to blame for their suffering, or even their happiness, but we all are.

So what are these rules, or laws? How do we know what they are and how they work?

This is the puzzle of our existence, and to understand it is to understand what we are and what our purpose is here. We are all playing the same game of life but we're all playing by different sets of rules, or no rules at all, which is why there is so much friction in the world. Working out these rules is the key to unlocking an eternity of peace on Earth, which is why no establishment money at all is devoted to such a project. These rules are founded in the science of the spiritual world and i believe we can, through statistical analysis and experimentation, get a much better grip on what these rules are. By askin questions such as: "is this [insert activity, lifestyle choice, etc.] causing people negative consequences?". If we set greater minds than mine on this project i am sure we would have fascinating and extraordinarily useful results. I believe ancient spiritual science was focused on much the same thing, but today we have the technology to study it like never before. I believe that mastery of life is achieved by complete understanding of and compliance to God's spiritual laws.

Religions are often seen as oppressive, and without doubt there are oppressive elements in religions, but for me a set of rules, like for instance The Ten Commandments, is not about forcing anyone to do anything, but an instruction manual for someone in persuit of happiness, and possibly - we should at least entertain this - from people with such an advanced level of wisdom and intelligence that is very rare in the modern day.

Imagine a mother and father not allowing their 14-year-old daughter to go partying all night with adults despite her protestations. It might be "oppressive" to deny her, but it's coming from a place of love and wisdom, and that it's actually most loving to place sensible restrictions on your child's freedom and self-determination in the interest of them having a long and happy life - by helping them avoid activating causes for future negative consequences.

In the world today, we adults want to have our way all the time, and while it might not in our interest, who's going to stop us!?

Once grown-up, our version of "parent" is a government full of murderers, paedophiles, rapists, theives and liars, setting the lowest possible standard for human behaviour. Today we concern ourselves with avoiding government persecution more than observation of God's laws. We don't seem to be capable of restricting ourselves right now, but this is what we have to do. Just because something is permitted by government doesn't mean that we're not going create negative consequences for ourselves by doing it. We see the direct consequence of our collective non-compliance to God's laws in the amount of human unhappiness in the world today, which i suggest is going up rapidly, especially in the West, and we are approaching a breaking point.

We are being misguided by the powers that be to live a life of servitude to the Self and utter disobedience to God's laws. We are being misguided to be Satanists, who worship themselves and embrace the tagline of "do what thou wilt". They do this as a means of enslaving us. We were created by God to be free, and if we collectively understood that we would be impossible to enslave.

We have to commit to do our best to comply with spiritual laws. We will make mistakes, but, like a blind man in a dark room, we can feel our way, using our God-given emotions as a way to guide ourselves towards goodness, happiness and freedom. Freedom and happiness are the rewards for our compliance. Enslavement and misery are the price of non-compliance. This is the game we're playing, and we can't just switch to a game we like more. We're here until the end.

I hope this has given you some food for thought on this beautiful cold Sunday afternoon. Lots of love to all. Thanks for reading. Feedback much appreciated.


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