Social media destroyed in-between: we are now either good or evil.

I am pretty shocked how the world, especially on the internet, cannot handle any constructive criticism, which seems to show weaker side of a person/group of people. I mean, when did we become those over emotional creatures, which only accept good news?

I strongly believe that this phenomenon happened because of Facebook/Instagram and all over social media platforms, which are programmed to show only fancy and happy things. I mean, just try to say something negative on Facebook and see how fast you will get roasted by social warriors. I honestly don't get it because I don't feel this stuff in the real world as people I talk with can still discuss both positive and negative actions/characteristic/emotions/events. Sadly, as soon as you turn to the social media, you see "How dare you to say that blue is a brighter color than red? All colors are same and equal, and beautiful" type of people. All I can say is:


By trying to kill all the ignorance and misinforming stereotypes, people went to other radical direction and put the label of "everyone is same" on every human being. I honestly hate that. I mean, I know my weaknesses, and I can talk about them because none of us are perfect. I can also see weaknesses of other people, and I respect that. However, I cannot say that anymore because, you know, I would be called all the worst possible names if I stated the bad things about good people.

However, if it is a bad person, you can tarnish him as much as you want because... I don't know why. All I know is that social media created the world where people are either good or bad without in-between. If you truly think about that, Steemit is no different (sorry) - people who have good reputation cannot be criticized because... well... they just cannot.

Funnily, social media with all its good intentions is only creating a wider gap between people instead of leading the world to become one beautiful community. I guess we, humans, just don't know how to accept anything different so we live by "you either with me or against me" rule. But let me tell you this:

I am with everyone... and also no one

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