Daily illustrated wisdom: There is no need to understand how time works... because it has no rules.

After visiting a museum of interactive arts and seeing this funny clock, which can go all over the place... nothing has changed. However, I got a perfect illustration for my thought about the time.

There is a huge problem with people that they want everything to happen on time or even better instantly. People are as impatient and stubborn as flexible is time. I keep hearing phrases like "It must happen in one year","We will do it in 10 years or never","Why is that I am still unrewarded after all this time?" and similar.

I like to think that even universe cannot control the time and has no idea when and what will happen. There are things that have to happen and they will, but it might take a year or 20 years. And that has no actual difference in a span of eternity.

It is only us, who think that one year is a lot. Millennials even think that one month is a lot of waiting. So because we cannot cope with waiting, we make those relatively stupid and unnecessary deadlines to ourselves, which only comes to haunt us. Let's be honest - we cannot know when all of our hard work will pay-out. It is impossible. So we would better keep working instead of worrying about the failure.

I also believe that the world will end one day. However, seeing that some people "know" exact day sounds ultra funny. I mean, how can you know the date if it is not even set? That sounds ridiculous. So basically, you sound just like that when saying things like "In 2 years I will be this and that".

Time is too irrelevant and has no rules for us to break the code. Some things happen faster; some even takes forever to happen; some problems are moving slow and little joys are running like Bolt. The best thing to do is not to expect anything from time.

My last suggestion is to clarify your goals to crystal clean, forget the time, and just keep on rolling... and as hypocritical as it may sound - be punctual. Time hates when people are not punctual. It is disrespectful.

For more of my strange work, you can visit my lovely blog on Facebook!

Express your thoughts as nothing makes me happier.

And just have a nice day, my fellow steemians! :)

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