The Currents of Contribution

Thus far in the world, our view of currency has been something that we have, and that we want to accumulate more of. In our society, we have in a large way, attached our sense of personal value to how much currency we have.

As I see it, this view has not served us.
We have created separation within who we are
We have isolated ourselves from each other
I am rich and you are poor
I have and you do not
I have this much and you have that much

And so I say, there must be a better way
There must be a way we can see that will set us all free

And so now I am choosing a new way to see
I see the currents of contribution
Giving generously Is a gift
And Abundance is Activating Effortlessly

The new sight that I have sought is revealed here and now.
It is but an illusion that I am not enough, or that I don’t have enough.
As I am, I am always enough
I always have all that I need to be who I am here and now
Who I am is abundant simply by nature
To Be Who I am is effortless

Abundance is this ever-present reality that lies before our eyes when we simply choose to see it

Living in abundance, I no longer seek to have more
Living in abundance, I can instead seek how I may give more
Living in abundance, I desire all others to live in abundance
And so I give! Generously! And what a gift this is!

With these new eyes, I see the currents of contribution
I welcome You to contribute just as You are
And I welcome Myself to contribute just as I am
New opportunities to contribute are always revealing themselves

I see the currents of contribution
To give generously is truly a gift
Abundance Activates Effortlessly

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