Don't ever let someone tell you what you can do, and who you are

An old man went with his son and a donkey on the way to a nearby market place to sell his goods. The father was sitting on the donkey the boy led.

"The poor boy," said an opposing man. "His short little legs try to keep up with the donkey. How can that man sit there so lazily on the donkey when he see that the little child is running tired."

The father took this to heart, descended behind the next corner, and let the boy sit down. It was not long before a voice was heard:

"What a disgrace! Sit the son like a king on the donkey, while his poor old father walks alongside."

This hurt the boy, and he asked his father to sit behind him on the donkey.

"Have you seen this before?" An old woman cried, "What little respect for the poor animal so famished, which not even can pull with the weight of the two."

The scoundrels looked at each other and, without saying a word, both descended from the donkey. As soon as they had walked a few steps beside the animal, a stranger was making fun of her:

"I would not be so stupid. Why do you take the donkey for a walk, if he does not do anything, does not benefit you, and does not even carry one of you?"

Source: Anonymous

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

Something we must understand about life is that, whatever you do, there will always be someone who criticizes you, because the world is full of people, and people have different opinions. If we change our way of being each time someone points a finger at us, then we will lose our identity, and trying to please everyone, will not please anyone.

If we live for others we will never be happy, in fact, we will not even be.

Many times we will meet people who want to control us, want to say how we should act and how we should think, people who want to be our masters. If we ignore them we will effectively become their slaves. However, we must ignore these people, because they are destructive, and because they seek to submit in favor of what they consider correct.

There will always be people who hate us for the things we believe, there will always be people who hate us for our way of thinking, there will always be people who hated us for our way of acting and being, however, that is good, because it means that we are real It means that we are honest and that we believe in something, above all it means that we are strong and we can defend our principles.

The reality is that there will always be people hating us for what we do, you have the power to decide if you want to be hated for being who you are, or if you want to be hated for being someone who you not are.

Image Source: 1

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