Meet My Board of Positivity:

I have transformed my life big time, big way. I would explain my transformation as : I changed the way I think which changed the way I act and it changed the results for me.

This is my Positivity board which I have created in my room and I have filled it with all my most important quotes that I follow in day to day life FOR REAL.


When I feel negative or stressed out, I give it a read and most times I start feeling oK about my situation or how do I handle it. If you don't believe, try it for yourself. In some phases of life, we get under a heap of other negative set of thoughts and cannot reach out to any of positive ones, at that time this board or keeping things in front of eye really helps.

Believe me on this:

When you put ALL YOUR ENERGY IN THE RIGHT WAY, NOTHING in this world can stop you from getting what you want.

Nothing will have the power over you when you will be the FORCE TO RECKON WITH. Once upon a time, I did not used to believe in writing the quotes and keeping them before my eyes, keeping things just in front of me to get inspired. I was more of a "Ok i have read it, I like it and will follow it now that I have it in my mind".

But let me tell you, keeping "whatever inspires you" just before your eyes all the time keeps your mental health on track & creates a change in the long go.

My flow is:

Set your goal
Work hard
Work harder if you fail
Get it because its yours.
Got it, set another goal
Enjoy life while you do all this. :)

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