Good and Evil: Nature or Nurture?

Just a random thought.

Is 'good' or 'bad' a natural individual disposition? Or strictly influenced by nurture? In other words, Is the drive to do 'good' or 'evil' innate? Or, is it simply based on environmental factors?

Don't be quick to give an answer, think, think, and think again!

Personally, I think it's difficult to determine, but could be a blend of both factors. It varies actually. There are so many factors that contribute to one's morality such as upbringing, personal experiences and influence from authorities. But then, how do we say for sure that individuals do not have an innate sense of right and wrong?

If everyone learnt to be good or bad from the environment, where did the first man to do evil learn it from? Where did the first man to kill or steal conceive such thought from? Similar with 'good'.

Also, we have good people that grew up in bad environments, and then we have evil people that grew up in good environments. I've observed some people who were raised among theives and wicked people, but still chose to be good and decent. And then people who were raised in homes with high moral standards but still ended up as thugs and gangsters.

There are people who derive pleasure from inflicting pain on others, they love seeing people cry, sad and vulnerable. We also have those that are severely robed with greed. And then we have the kleptomaniacs, who just cannot help but steal. How then do we verify that all these actions have no innate determinant?

But then again, one cannot deny that there are so many people who are evil today as a result of the wrong influence they got from the society, and interactions with the wrong people.

I've always believed babies born newly into the world are innocent and empty- with no innate idea of evil, but it's really difficult ascertaining this.

What are your thoughts, friends? I'll love to hear your opinion. Are people born good or bad?

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