How "Reality" works... A 5 minute story that teaches you REAL Magik... Learn to perform miracles with ease.


This story is a parable and not meant to ridicule... It will teach you how reality works. With proofs.

Here is the story (Capitol letters are used for emphasis frequently)... Hope you enjoy!

----- The Drowning Skeptic -----

Imagine a skeptic was drowning in the middle of the ocean. Then he would drown.

NOW! Imagine that the drowning person was highly religious.

Imagine that the drowning person was a "Toothfairian"... They totally worship "toothfairianism".. They attend "toothfairian churches... They have "toothfairian" amulets around their neck. They are as about as a devout "toothfairian" as they come.

Now Imagine this Toothfairian was drowning in the same spot as the skeptic.

Instead of drowning the "Toothfairian" knows to call upon his Lord.. The Tooth fairy.

He cries out, "Please tooth fairy, I trust you to save me"


Did I mention we are now talking about the past.

Time altering is the mechanism behind Magik and Lesser Law of Attraction.

Suddenly! Three days ago. IN THE PAST! A cruise ship with 3000 passengers gets a slightly different weather report and the captain steers the ship an extra 2 degrees... NOW THE SHIP IS PERFECTLY IN LINE TO RESCUE THE TOOTHFAIRIAN...

The toothfairian man could still be at home packing for his sailing adventure the following day, and yet a cruise ship and 3000 passengers have already revamped their superposition to be in line for his rescue. He isn't even near the ocean yet and the cruise ship already altered it's superposition (in Quantum "Double Slit Experiment" sense.), and is now heading towards the rescue.

Time is surpassable and is the mechanism behind how magik works. How prayer works.

Prayer to any RANDOM DEITY will work. You can pray to the Tooth Fairy, Santa Clause, Barney the purple dinosaur... AND SO LONG AS YOU EXPECT THE RESULTS. The results will come.

Note: Unless there is equal OPPOSING mind expectation from others. Example two people both expecting the same promotion.

IF YOU WANT TO SEE SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT "EFFECT" CAN "PRECEDE" CAUSE TRY "Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser"(youtube) - If you like the science of my Hermeticism/Buddhism/Hinduism also look at The Simulation Hypothesis.

Now if EXPECTATION (less polluted word than "faith" which is common in every religion.. It just means we create with expectation... It does not me to blindly have faith in the Tooth Fairy. The tooth fairy is not "real", but then again technically. neither are we.)..

Now if EXPECTATION creates reality then you can easily dissolve a cloud in the sky with your mind simply because NOBODY ELSE has EXPECTATIONS that the cloud will stay solid. So Cloud busting is fairly easy.

Cloud busting is also very well known test, and even George Clooney portrayed a cloud buster in a movie parody of mind power.

If you are an advocate of Lesser Law of Attraction then realize that Christians are discovering their own "new" magik ignoring the fact that magik has been known and taught for Millennia.

If you know me then you know I constantly, Constantly, Constantly tell people that WORRY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. It may surprise some of you to know that I can find similar quotes on a website belonging to OPRAH WINFREY (not advocating her Christian Magik).

Here is a quote from Oprah's Website on WORRY....
"Know this: Worrying is unintentional creation of your future.
Daydreaming is intentional creation of your future.
The choice is always yours. "
from here....

So anyone can simply take a lawn chair and sit in their backyard and discover the 100% truth of all reality SIMPLY by dissolving 20 clouds in a row. If you think it is the wind then always pick a second cloud that will remain intact.

NOTE: The above paragraph can change your religion and can truly be a "HOLY CRAP!" moment for the unawake.

The ONE RULE is you cannot tell anyone what you are doing before OR AFTER. The story of the TOOTHFAIRIAN above helps demonstrate that our past (even memories) are constantly altering to match the future expectations of all (us all - mass god consciousness we all share together)

Essentially this is simply a very realistic dream we all share but can shape with our minds.

All it takes to know 100% is a lawn chair and a few clouds.

If you tried to dissolve a brick in the same manner you would be up against the minds of everyone who has ever seen, heard of, or touched a brick.

Read this next part only after you know 100% that your mind can make a backyard cloud vanish 100%.

If your clouds vanish because you EXPECT IT TO.

Then what do you think will manifest if you EXPECT your spouse is cheating. You can manifest an affair.

What do you think would manifest if you WORRY (a type of expectation/prayer) that you cannot pay your mortgage? You could manifest financial woes.

What do you think would occur if you expected that new promotion? Expectation also does good when applied.

Your EXPECTATION is also factored in with the EXPECTATION of everyone else. We are all part of this dream reality. Every Crackhead and Christian is also steering our world based on their random willy-nilly thoughts and worries.

You have more control of your reality in your neck of the woods. Simply put: You have more control over magik and expectation within and around your home then you would influencing a Federal Election. Even covens are limited in power against the all. Hermetics are often Hermits for this reason and the "witch living alone in the woods" idea is not so far fetched.

TIME: Everyone should spend at least ten minutes or so watching "DR QUANTUM DOUBLE SLIT EXPERIMENT"
THEN its cousin "DELAYED CHOICE QUANTUM ERASER as science now has evidence that "EFFECT" can precede "CAUSE" (as ridiculous as that may sound offhand).

It is the mechanism behind magik.

In Lesser Law of Attraction there is a common spell where people visualize a parking spot near the front of the mall.... HOW DOES THAT WORK?

IT WORKS WITH TIME... SUDDENLY! IN THE PAST! We are going back in time like the Toothfairian ship rescue earlier in my story.

Suddenly! 20 minutes ago.. - IN THE PAST - a young mother realizes she is late for her pilates class and vacates the parking spot just as you pulled in... YOU did not start visualizing for a parking spot until you got to the mall... but yet the mothers choice to vacate the spot was in the past.

History alters to match the present expectation of all. Simple.

The man who designed the atomic model still used in 2017 is Niels Bohr who believed wholeheartedly that "Matter does not exist unless it is observed" (Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics/Double-slit).

Yes .. The reason you are not taught Matter does not exist unless it is observed is because of Albert Einstein who argued back (research this quote and Bohr/Einstein debates) - Einstein argued back "I LIKE TO THINK THE MOON IS THERE EVEN WHEN NO-ONE WAS LOOKING AT IT"

Many physics professors misunderstand the Schrodinger Cat in the Box thought experiment but it was meant to ridicule the Bohr "matter does not exist unless observed" notion by using a "life form" (cat in box) as the matter in question.. Could Bohr actually believe PEOPLE OR CATS can not exist unless observed? (true Story)

Reality fully explained in 11 words.

Reality is: "Wigner's Friend where EXPECTATION factors the quantum collapse INSTEAD of Probabilities."

The only mistake of Niels Bohr was concluding that Quantum collapse (waves into particles in Double-Slit) was determined by PROBABILITIES... Probabilities are garbage. What really influences Quantum Collapse is US.. EXPECTATIONS. THIS IS HOW THE GOD CONSCIOUSNESS AFFECTS OUR "Reality".

As I said... The smartest Quantum mind (BOHR) believed wholeheartedly (until he died) that matter does not exist unless observed. BOHR WOULD SAY YOUR FOOD IN THE REFRIGERATOR DOES NOT EXIST UNTIL YOU OPEN THE DOOR (True story - see Copenhagen Interpretation)

Now the Toothfarian at the beginning of this story could also be any religion. It is your EXPECTATION that matters.

You can pray to the all, but with EXPECTATION.

Avoid "WORRY" which would logically be the root of all evil if conscious creation is true (cloud busting has proved that to us). So we must avoid worry through distraction and by switching it to gratitude when possible.

Gratitude is opposite of "worry". You can always be grateful. If your car has an fender bender accident then maybe it saved you from a larger accident down the road.. so be grateful.

Gratitude does not alter your feelings .. IT CREATES REALITY. What better thing to manifest than the feeling you for something.

If you are a worrier set an alarm to beep every 20 minutes so you can curb your negativity. Eventually you will learn to think happier.

It is all so simple.

We are all a part of the all and we are all immortal. We are just too dumb to know.

I write books on Hermetic Magik but will happily friend you and discuss manifestation in your own life and offer insights, we are all part of the same oneness so I think helping others is helping myself. Find me on Facebook or through my website... Or simply comment below.

(caps for emphasis only)


Wayne Hilborn (author of "The Savvy Sorcerer", etc)

In this 5 minute cartoon.. replace probabilities with EXPECTATION.. and you will understand how our mass-god consciousness affects reality in the scientific sense. (it can aid your belief and magik).

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