Stonehenge, Ancient Sites, and Leyline theory

The phenomena of ancient sites the world over that are situated on ley lines and built according to very precise astronomical alignments, have been the wonder of mens minds. What do they mean? why were they so important?

A new possibility dawned on me. Very often we think that these sites were to generate some form of power, spiritual or otherwise, as a means to reach out into the cosmos. As a form of worship to their gods or as temples etc...

When all of these locations are charted across the planet, the grid they are build upon becomes astonishingly clear to us. Mysteries are unlocked and even more questions appear to us. How were they able, different cultures, different languages, religions to create a network of power generating structures in perfect alignment both on earth and to the heavenly signs. We are made to believe by the modern structure of things, that the ancient world was not fully connected. That travel was greatly restricted. However, to accomplish these feets of technology everywhere on the planet, you are either well traveled cultures, or you are being run by a superior race which can orchestrate.

With all of that said, what I began to wonder is if this world wide grid of ancient power sites were formed, not to connect and make men more powerful but contrariwise if they were built to be a dampening grid to limit human consciousness and ability. It may be that the ancient " gods" that came to man and gave knowledge, either themselves or through the use of men may have built these structures on the earth's power points as a way to limit mans ability to truly understand our world. To dumb us down and create a prison by which we have come to believe and accept that we are just human meat sacks with no meaning to anything in an evolutionary sense.

Modern man quests through sciences that are just now discovering the truths that the whole of the ancient world taught through their culture and religions. Those things mocked and ridiculed as the ideas of superstitious illiterate people are now being discovered to be the true workings and nature of this existence.

I will discuss more on modern findings in part 2.

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