Flowers and Powers, Ones and Twos

It is Women's Day today but around my house, what day isn't?

Lately, I have been pushing pretty hard on the Steemit platform to try and get a better distribution of Steem, I don't care about fairness and equality per se however, it is in all of our best interests to do so as to not, is to miss opportunities for the many which means, the benefits for the many too.

There can never truly be equality and that is part of the beauty of the world, its uniqueness. I don't want to treat my wife like every other woman I know, I do not want my daughter to be squeezed into a box of averages. What I do want is people to have opportunities to grow and expand their skillsets, the chance to fill their potential and be more content with their lives. Large differences in resource distribution is a hindrance to this and even for the ones who have extremely high amounts, there is only so much they can actually do with it, there is a scale of diminishing returns, especially when people choose to relax when they have a lot.

You can argue for equality between sexes but, it isn't going to happen either, at least, not in the way people seem to think about it. People are different, all are different, every one of us is a minority of one. This doesn't mean that we need to be against each other, it doesn't mean we need to raise ourselves over, or push another under our position but, it doesn't mean all are going to work at the same things either or be successful or fail in the same ways, nor would we want to have it that way.

I think at this point in my life, I would be content in a world where everyone had enough to survive basically but, not so much they wouldn't want to move, a place where those who wanted more, those who pushed themselves, explored themselves and tried to improve situations had a chance to do so and get rewarded somehow for it. Incentives are currently not aligned to do this however, incentives are aligned for maximisation. I have no answers for it as of yet but, money is not a great incentive although, it does by power and influence.

Many talk of solutions, that they know the way or, they know what isn't the way but, how many act it, how many live it, how many are willing to put their stake on the line for it? Not many it seems. There is too much hypocrisy in this world and it is unfortunately the same when it comes to equality of all kinds.

People want equality for their group, not actual equality itself, as actual equality would mean their group is no better or worse than any other group. And, everyone wants to feel special, everyone wants the freedom to act as they choose, no matter the harm it causes, seen or perhaps even worse, unseen. People want to be empowered but, how do they use their power granted?

I bought my wife some tulips today though the photo is actually from our wedding day and they are mostly roses in the bouquet. I didn't buy them because it was Women's day however, I bought them because she likes tulips, as do I, and the one's I bought the other day are beginning to wilt. If you need a reminder to treat people with courtesy, a reminder to think about the ones you care about, perhaps your values aren't aligned for betterment, perhaps you aren't paying attention to the things you maybe should, perhaps you are blind to the damage you do. I can't say, it is your journey, not mine, it is your life to live.

My wife is she, and I am me and even though we cooperate, we will always be two. I like it this way, she seems to as well.

Just a collection of thoughts to ponder over.

[ a Steemit original ]

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