The Collective Consciousness.

One idea that has always intrigued me is that our minds are all connected - a collective consciousness. This idea is nothing new and has been explored many times by many forms of science and philosophy yet we are no closer to realizing any truths about the matter.

Wikipedia states that collective consciousness is:

“The set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society.”

We see ourselves as individuals, as separate beings in a vast open world exploring our reality with unique views and attitudes occasionally coming together the merge our ideas and create wonderful things. Well maybe we are not quite so unique and individual.
This idea has been challenged in science with the phenomenon known as 'The Multiples Effect.'
This idea questions the fact that people geographically isolated from one another are able to come up with the exact same discovery at the exact same time. There have been a number of breakthroughs that appear to have been discovered at the same time by different people, but one that stands out from the rest is that of the pyramids.


How is it that 3 very different cultures a world apart are able to have the same creative ideas? You could argue that even in ancient times civilizations would traverse the globe and transfer information between each other. However, what if there was a vast network of nodes interacting with one an other and sharing information on a grand scale.

We see this pattern of nodes in a network all over nature, from the grandest scale of the universe to our own brain and now in the decentralized blockchain.
The idea of a network plays a massive role in our existence and could even explain the origins of our species.

Below we see 2 images. On the left is a simulation of the universe. On the right is an image from an electron microscope of a mycelium network.


Research into the evolution of man has showed the possibility that all animals are in fact descended from fungi with the separation occurring over 600 million years ago. On a cellular level we are both very similar and of course we use fungi to create some of our medicines.
Mycelium have been around for billions of years, over a billion years before man. These ancient beings operate on a vast network much like our own brain with many more neurons acting to collectively grow and improve the network. They appear to show signs of exploration and organization much like early man did.


The idea of a conscious collective mycelium network as recently been explored in the new Netflix series 'Star Trek Discovery'. Here the idea that everything in existence is connected on this vast network from physical space to our very minds. Now a fictional series is far from scientific proof but the ideas in the show are drawn from reality.

So if we have this network of mycelium nodes that can interact, communicate and expand, can we not say the same for the human mind?
Each mind is a node on a network. We are all the same species and all stem from the same origins. Is it too hard to imagine that our minds are all linked together sharing information like the 'Collective Borg'?

What if events in history were the result of human consciousness collectively designing and executing them. Maybe WW3 occurs simply because we believe that it will.

In any case it is certainly an interesting field that is vastly unknown to us. The similarities in nature are staggering and surely not a matter of coincidence.

Paul Stamets does a lot of research into fungi and how they correlate with humans. He recently appeared on The Joe Rogan Experience which is a great listen if you aver have the time.

I hope you found this post though provoking and I know that I need to brush up on my writing skills. Please leave feedback if you can.


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